October 02, 2008

American weddings

I never understood the way Americans celebrates weddings. I mean: This woman obviously puts business associates before family and I don't get it. A wedding, in my opinion, should be a celebration with the closest family and friends, or more distant family and friends, should the budget and location allow it - not something to put on your companys representation account.

In Denmark some people choose that minor kids are not invited to the wedding, but I've never heard of a teenage niece not being invited.

Then again, my only knowledge of American weddings comes from newspapers, the internet and the television. Maybe the ordinary American wedding is celebrated with family and friends and not 200+ guests. Please enlighten me.

But I do agree with Abby, that it's rather unpolite to ask to bring someone not invited to the wedding.

October 01, 2008

Who pays the birth control?

A woman wants to know if she's out of line to ask her boyfriend to split the cost of birth control pills. Her boyfriend thinks so, most of her co-workers, even the female ones, agree with her boyfriend. And so do Abby.

Of course he has to pay half the cost of the pills. He's enjoying the benefit from the as well as she does. If he's not prepared to pay the price, I suggest she stop taking the pills and asks him to wear a condom if he wants to have sex. I predict the he'll pay up rather quickly.

September 28, 2008


Well, today I can nothing but to agree with dear Abby.

Love your nearest while you can - and let them know! Show them you care, not with money, but with time and togetherness. You'll never know when it'll be to late.

September 26, 2008

6 year old has to practice piano lessons

A couple disagree on how to make their 6-year-old daughter practice her piano lessons more diligent, since she isn't doing very well. The mother thinks they should withhold the girl her bedtime snack.

Dear Abby disagrees on punishing the girl by making her go to bed hungry, and so do I - strongly!

The girl is 6 years old, for crying out loud. She should play the piano only when she fells like it. At 6 she should be playing, not be bothered with more lessons than at school.

Abby suggest talking to the girl to find out why she hasn't been practicing and whether she likes playing the piano at all. Good idea.

Kids that age shoulden't be paced by parents to do something they don't feel like, because the parents would like them to be little Mozarts. They should use their energy on learning to read, write, calculate and above all: PLAY!